Thursday, January 31, 2013

Carrie Chapman Catt (KI) Zach North

Woman’s suffrage movement began in 1848. When they had the first woman’s rights convention at “Seneca Falls”. In the 20th century leadership of the suffrage had two sides, (NAWSA) National American Woman’s Suffrage Association. This was led by Carrie Chapman Catt. This group made campaigns to enfranchise woman in each state. Carrie Chapman was a good leader and got congress to pass an amendment for woman’s rights in 1910..

Invention of the Telephone- Me - Tristyn Martz

Alexander Graham Bell stated a whole new way of communication, the telephone.  Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell moved from Scotland to Canada to finally stopping in Boston to start his career as an inventor. He as an inventor always wanted to help the deaf, which inspired him to make microphone. With the invention of it would be innovated to the "electrical speech machine."
The Electrical speech machine would become known as the telephone. His invention was sweeping the nation, and in as little as 2 years Europe would hear about this Electrical speech machine. In eight years after its invention long distance calls stated to be made forever connecting America. 

Mass Production of Steel- Me- Tristyn Martz

The industrial Revolution was a booming time, building being built, invention being invented, and railroads being railed. They all were made easier with the mass production of steel.  The man who made it possible was Andrew Carnegie.  Andrew Carnegie would be transformed from a young poor man to one of the riches man of his time. 
            He found a way to mass produce steel. With mass production went up, the price of steel went down.  Buildings instead of taking a lot of land mass, started to be built upward. Trains were being built in full throttle connecting the America. Also a city built, all because of one man dream of leaving poverty.    

Thomas Eddison- KI – Tristyn Martz

               Thomas Edison changed the face of our earth, from darkness to gracefully light world we have to day. From hazardous candle light world, to the safer well light land that could be seen from space. He was the man contributed to inventing the electric light bulb. He also attributed to the industrialization of America by also creating the first electric distribution pant, and he also innovated the telephone, telegraph, and motion pictures.  He was a major inventor and business man of the time. 

John D. Rockefeller (KI) tristyn Martz

On July 8, 1839, in upstate New York, John D Rockefeller was born.  He would grow to monopolize the oil industry.  The first step he toke to his wealth was, in 1863 he invest in a refinery in Cleveland, Ohio.  Seven years later he would start his own business, Standard Oil. His business, Standard Oil, went to control 90 percent of oil refineries at one point in history.  Although with his fame people also criticized him for unethical practices, but all his money wasn't for him. He became one of the most famous philanthropist in history donating more than 500 million dollars in his life time. 

The War Ends (ME) Austin Acker

On November 3, sailors in Kiel which is the main base of the German base of the German fleet mutinied. Days after groups of workers and soldiers seized power in other German towns and as the revolution spread, the German emperor decided to step down. Then on November 9, Germany became a republic. Two days later on the 11th  hour on the 11th   day of the 11th month, 1918, the Germans signed an armistice and all fighting stopped. 

José Marto (KI) Matthew Taylor

                José Marti was a writer and poet who lived in New York during the 1880’s he brought together a group of people who have been banded from their native home in Cuba. This was a problem because they raised the money to buy guns and solders. After the group of band native Cubans razed money and bought their weapons and solders they invaded Cuba. This was a huge loss for America because they were closely linked economically with Cuba. Infect Cuba exported much of its sugar to America, and America invested around $50 million in Cuba’s sugar plantations. Because there was an invasion in Cuba the Cuban government went into financial distress. Since this happened   Marti’s followers launched a new rebellion against Cuba. Even though   Marti died in battle his follower’s seized control of eastern Cuba and declared their independents calling their land the republic of Cuba.